6 years and just ended like this .

by - Agustus 09, 2018

" I woke up one morning and i just knew , 
I was never sure of with you " Summer
(500 days of summer)

I wish that I was summer ,but too bad , I was not . 
I do somehow sure of we can through it all , then I realize.. I was wrong .
I've never thought that We just ended like this , after 6 years of laughter and tears . 
I guess I just like you this much , I guess you'd never feel the same . 
If you did , You'll do anything with any cost to be with me, just like what I did . 
But you will never do that cause Your top priority is your ego . 
If only God could put you in my shoes , can you imagine how it feels like to be upset and dissapointed am I ?  
It'll much easier if I hate you , but I can't , I do like you , losing you just like losing my bestfriend , my mood booster , my chit chat buddy , my half future husband , losing all my dreams that we build 
I lost too much to this gambling,
and yet I want you to be happy .
I hate it when you said that I'll find someone better , If i really wanted that , 
why didn't I dumped you 5 years ago?  I want you to be better I don't need someone else . 
I hate it when you just not doing anything to prove that I'm wrong , to prove that I do the right things for these past 6 years , you are just busy doing this and that to forgeting me . It hurts to death .
You just make my very first broken hearted even worse . 

People said that I'm gonna be okay soon , I wonder how long it soon ...

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3 komentar

  1. Kak bisa ga curhatnya pake bahasa Indonesia ajah. Capek kak nerjemahinnya. Padahal kan adek pengen tau perasaan kakak....

  2. Kak andini kuwat. Sekuwat Gajahnya Tulus.....

  3. sabar kak, sesabar aku mengartikannya satu - satu.

    sabar kak, lelaki tak cuma satu.

    sabar kak, mungkin ini terbaik buat kamu.

    sabar kak, disana ada dia yang menanti kamu.

    judulnya sabar kak.
